

Articles of interest to casino employees and those who have to interact with them, which is, well, everyone reading this page...

Have you ever visited a land-based casino? No matter what they offer, and no matter how glitzy and glamorous the place looks, it all comes down to the staff, especially the dealers.

If you experience negativity from a dealer, or the staff is simply too rude and impolite, chances are you will not be playing at that casino again.


…how it all works?

Do you prefer male or female dealers? Gender can make a difference…

What are your thoughts on tipping the dealers? If the answer is yes, what is the amount you would call fair? These are all doubts and questions that need straight answers.

All things considered, casino employees are only human beings, no matter how professional and experienced they are. They, too, have a bad days…

On the other hand, have you ever wondered if you come across as shady to dealers and pit personnel? They might take you for a mucker, bet capper, or some other form of a cheater.

This is why we have compiled this awesomely cool collection of articles which are meant to help you understand and learn about casino employees.

The more i learn about how casinos really operate the more satisfaction i get taking their money

How Casinos Really Operate, Satisfaction Taking Their Money

December 15, 2018 6:33 am

Unlike many advantage players, I don't view all casino employees as the enemy. Becoming a dealer is just like getting a job as a...

Female pit bosses and female dealers preferred by bob milo

Female pit bosses and female dealers preferred

December 3, 2018 2:24 am
Bob Milo

Does anyone prefer playing to female pit bosses and/or female dealers? I don't know what is in the genetics, but my finding is...

No tipping dealers are overpaid

No tipping; dealers are overpaid

November 22, 2018 1:35 am
LV Bear

Originally posted on Green Chip by LV Bear On recently, an article by my late friend MathProf was featured,...

The math of tipping

The Math of Tipping

November 16, 2018 2:30 am

Originally posted on Green Chip by MathProf Many card counters and other advantage players tip too much. Let us...

Do dealers rat out counters or are they supposed to

Do dealers rat out counters, or are they supposed to?

November 6, 2018 3:13 am
Dale Hope

I had a dealer in a double-deck blackjack game at the Aria in Las Vegas stop checking for blackjack with a ten up, saying, "No...

Even among skilled patrons only a small percentage have the time

The cost to casinos of their abuse of skilled patrons -- a local's perspective

October 18, 2018 6:03 am
LV Bear

Sometimes casino employees behave in such a ridiculous manner. Some small-minded pit personnel and their low-level supervisors...

Things are not always as they first appear

Things are not always as they first appear

September 25, 2018 3:15 am
Emerald City BJ

I have read many posts from inexperienced card counters who worry about supposed heat, and I thought I'd report about a couple of...

Casinos and advantage players

Casinos and Advantage Players: Much Ado About Nothing

September 7, 2018 4:48 am

Let’s discuss some of the ridiculous things that casinos do in worrying about and dealing with advantage players. Do these...


Casinos’ bottomless pits of wasted money: “Game Protection”

March 9, 2018 3:38 am

There are two major areas in which casinos waste millions of dollars annually that are both related to the loosely-defined art of...

Is peaceful coexistence possible between pit personnel and a skilled player

Is peaceful coexistence possible between pit personnel and a skilled player?

August 5, 2017 12:19 pm

Years ago, as I was beginning to move up in stakes, I began tailoring a long term plan of attack, based on my primary objective...

Dealer cheating in handheld games

Dealer Cheating in Handheld Games

December 16, 2016 7:56 am

Here are a few basics on hand-held decks: Peek There is a myriad of ways for the dealer to peek at the top card(s) or the...

Dealers and tipping

Dealers and Tipping

December 16, 2016 7:55 am

As a former member of the service industry, I know that in the United States, service employees rely on a combination of tips...

Optimal dealer strategy

Optimal Dealer Strategy

December 16, 2016 7:37 am

There are many AP’s who do tip. Even more will tip a dealer who uses proper strategy. Below is the expectation-maximizing...

Question for casino management

Question for Casino Management

December 16, 2016 7:33 am

Why don't you try an experiment? Offer good games that have decent penetration and see what happens to your hold. I recently...

The view from inside

The View From Inside

December 16, 2016 7:27 am

Understanding the Social Aspects of Casino Employees As a former casino floorperson/dealer for almost 4 years, and having a...