You seem to be searching for a shortcut like most of us. Thanks very much for taking the time to let us in on your approach.
It is good to know there is only one Viktor Nacht, but maybe it is no longer necessary to lead with this rebuttal.
You are welcome to write me if you like, but I think it was valuable to us all for you to take such lengths(!) in answering some of my questions. No need to apologize for shooting from the hip because we specialize in it around here. Otherwise it just takes too damn long to catch up. I have never found that BJ21 enforced any kind of table max on words, so just keep typing until you are finished. If there were a limit, Clark Cant established it many months ago, so you will never be in jeopardy of exceeding his world record for words expended. There are still scorch marks at the Pi-Yee offices from his verbiage.
The considerations of boredom and drudgery are not just for the high level player. We all share the same smoky environment no matter how little we bet. Coal miners at least have union work rules that enforce an occasional break. But they have no windows in their workplace either. When you get to a point where you put in a forty hour week at the tables you will begin to understand why Kevin Blackwood probably prefers to think of himself as a writer.
It helps to have a mission. Greed is good, but it will only give you insight into the casino mentality. It will not sustain you through the years... if that is what you want.
As to our office politics, you seem to place a lot of stock in what has happened in public the past couple of months. People get irritated sometimes and eventually things blow over after mistakes have been made, corrected, and wounds heal. Apologies usually occur in private. At least I certainly hope so. To get to the long run on the internet, it is probably better to stand back from battles that do not directly concern you. It is easy to have one's opinion be misinformed because there is a lot of 'secret stuff' that never makes it to the airwaves. You would never think that just one year ago the entire free forum at BJ21 had to be shut down and reconfigured. Now it is more vital and relevant than it has ever been. There are as many fluctuations in the blackjack internet society as there are in the game that brings us all together. Some people have a bad day that stretches out for months. The variance is high. As I mentioned to someone at RGE just yesterday, human behavior is unpredictable with surprising regularity.
There is a lot to learn on forums like this, but I have to admit your prognosis is not favorable if you can't get through books like Blackjack Attack and Blackbelt in Blackjack. If you really want to supercharge your curriculum, since you don't often play, you should join Green Chip. This is where the in-depth discussions occur, and you can badger everyone there til your heart's content. You might discover that there are some good games nearer to you than you think. But blackjack is not like any other activity... it has juice. My other profession has glamour, but it is nothing like hitting the casino with an edge.
So you see, I love the game with all its flaws. And the people here are fascinating and erudite. Occasionally you will find someone with a sense of humor..... {:-)
But as to your offer, no I would not like to change jobs with you. I have no talent for selling shower curtain rings door to door. You can keep your 60 hour weeks. I have enough of them in my business as it is. They make me delusional.