Could you give some examples of this? I don't read every post on every board, but I've been coming here for quite some time and I can't recall any specific instances of this. Perhaps you could give some specifics.
Posting an example of a post which outs a professional is no better than creating a post which outs a professional, is it? But, as it happens, the example Shilly cited is accurate. In that instance, a player was outed and the posts requesting that the original post be busted were busted. It wasn't until the great John May requested to have the original post busted that it was finally taken down.
But this is not some isolated incident. Things like this happen with regularity here. The chatty nature of the weekend warrior camp serves only to dimish the opportunities of the professionals to earn a living. Is it any wonder there is an element of bitterness and resentment here? Is it any wonder there are those (myself included) who wish to see this site eliminated and go to great lengths to undermine it at every turn (myself not included thus far...I'm a nice guy, really).
Fortunately, the problem is not one of staggering proportions but is mostly just an annoyance. The vast majority of participants here are quite clueless and, generally speaking, pose as little a threat to the lives of the professionals as a nickel counter does to the Venetian. But, on those occasions when useful, lucrative and relatively unknown information is leaked to the general bj21 populace and when actual players are unwittingly outed by the indiscreet or foolhardy, real problems can arise which threaten our earning potential. So, ultimately, it would be better for me and many others like me if this site did not exist.
This is not just a free page problem either. This extends into Green and Black chip areas (and beyond). To my knowledge, NOTHING is done to detur Griffin types and casino personnel from reading those areas and the false sense of security engendered by the notion that, somehow, coughing up an annual fee makes those areas more secure causes even more problems. Posters who would shy away from posting what they consider to be great revelations on the free pages turn instead to those forums and share their information (which is invariably leaked to the likes of me who are not members of said pages) for all the casino world to see.
Professional blackjack is not just a game to those of us who rely on it for our income. It is a way of life. But, unfortunately, the recreationalists on this site just can't seem to get their heads around that when they're blabbering on about what they think they know. Such is the downside of free expression but you can be damn sure that I will excersise my own freedom of expression and continue to support, in my own passive way, the demise of places such as