A number of folks here have suggested various flip remarks as responses to the typical ploppy's lament that your play "cost the table." As tempting as it may be to make such remarks, I don't think it is wise to do it. In fact, I think rude and obnoxious behavior can often be the final straw that broke the camel's back when casinos are evaluating a player, especially if that player is not a big bettor. High-rolling counters know that it is just a matter of time before they get busted by the casinos and their behavior might not be a major factor in their eventual back-off. For the rest of us, breaks can be possible, at least for awhile.
If a player responds to other players with rude words, he is drawing needless attention to himself and not the favorable kind. Players who upset other customers are not desireable to casinos. When someone accuses you of making a play that "cost the table," he or she is the rude one at that point. When you respond in kind, you become the rude player.
Saintly forbearance will get you more mileage than nasty comments will. Don't forget, we aren't there to impress other players or to make them happy. We are there to get the money and sometimes that requires either suffering in silence or, at the most, a well-turned phrase that can be humorous without being insulting. Our reward comes at the cashier's cage, which the ploppies just pass on by with empty pockets. :-)