Federal vs State
Banks are regulated by strict Federal Law, while casinos are by state.
If you cheat in a casino, as a player, the casino may offer you two choice, arrested or "give me all your money and never return" Otherwise u will get arrested.
If you are a dealer, you will lose your job, your card, and most likely the ability to ever work at a casino, even cleaning the rooms.
Casinos who cheat, say skimmin, say a private hotel, say Vent or Aladian, virtually will never get caught, unless they get too greedy and defraud principle investors who in return would contact the FBI and the IRS, but that would take a few years.
A person who "steals" or "borrows"(lmao) money from a bank faces stiff imprisionment, though the ammenities are much better. I think that Robert Rubin the former US Treasurer under Clinton "stole" cause CitiBank pays him $28 MILLION a year....that is a lot of money not counting the interest free loans he gets as well.(little humor there)
why do you imply that Nevada does not imprision casino cheats? they do