Politics and blackjack message boards
I don't think that political issues like praying and the government sanctioning the word "God" in the pledge belongs on a blackjack website. Here's why:
1. People come to this site to learn more about blackjack and not to listen to political or religious views.
2. If you give a political or religious viewpoint that another person disagrees with but at the same time you're giving solid blackjack advice, the listener might be tempted to ignore your good blackjack advice simply because you put them into a rage because of a political or religious statement you made. They'll start to wander if they can trust your blackjack advice because they don't trust your political advice.
Here's an example: I'm almost finished reading a book that's a bio about a counter who's played Vegas, world casinos, cruise ships etc. All throughout the book he gives his political views. Really vile things. The guy comes across as a garden variety bigot and because of that, rather than respecting his blackjack wisdom and accomplishments, I found myself intensely disliking him and not interested in anything more he has to say. I'm not saying the name of the book because I don't want this guy making money off of this post. The point is, is that had he not voiced his political opinions in what was suppose to be a blackjack bio, I wouldn't feel this way.
Green chip actually has a section for politics if you're interested, but I don't even think it should exist for the two reasons stated above.
Alright. Now I'm about to be a complete hypocrite and do what I just said shouldn't be done, give an opinion: Bootlegger, your right, as usual.