Tahoe 6 D
Yeah, I noticed one 6 D at Mont Bleu, one at Horizon in the evening and one at Bill's in the eve. However, the one at Bill's is so slow you can nap between hands and get a full night's sleep during the shuffle. Bills did have two D10 single decks going. Harrah's and Harvey's (Harrah's property also) are worthless 8 deckers, 1D is D10 and 2D is D9 25 min. What they need is even less snow on the mountain to help the BJ conditions.
The general ploppies who play in Tahoe are real fools. They appear to be fairly wealthy and they just don't care if the lose at the games.
Go to tahoe to ski. As for BJ, you may take a few wacks at it if you happen to find yourself there. The games are just not something you can get excited about. Play BJ in Reno.