The issue here is that
What Stanford said was more nearly factual than what you said. You took what he said and slanted it toward making a living at blackjack. Where did you learn to talk trash like that, from listening to the last presidential election campaign?
Most players who can win from casinos don't have "making a living at blackjack" as their objective, and those are the people that green chip mainly caters to. I play to win, not to gamble. Gambling has no appeal to me. If I wanted, I could make more than I do -- I'm busy with other things. And I'm not brilliant.
You have taken partially related info and extrapolated it outside its useful range. There are too many politicians in the world like you (1 would be more than enough). It appears, to me, that you have posted here because you have decided to take a position for the fun of it. Even if that's the case, although you had very low morals for behaving in this shoddy fashion, you seem intelligent enough to bootstrap yourself up and overcome whatever neuroses made you post that drivel.
I personally have met 2 of the people you denigrated here, and have a fair feeling for their background and experiences. What they said came across to me as an honest attempt to tell it like it really is. What you said did not. Shame on you, and better luck to you in the future.