I sat with three the other day. I jumped in "mid Shoe" according to the Asian looking lady-plop. I believe it was the 2nd round of a 6d and the count was positive. Far from mid-shoe.
I then late surrendered a hand. Of course all three shook thir heads and made remarks to one another as though I wouldn't know what they were saying. And, as though they were real experts. I was winning and they were not, so of course their bad luck was my fault.
I LS again and they just couldn't believe it. The AP, that's Asian Plop, not Advantage player, then late surrendered something ridiculous just to mock my play. It was a stiff against a stiff I believe. Her friends shook their heads and laughed in agreement....as she threw away well over $25.
The count turned and I walked. It was actually a bit intimidating. Probably because I don't like any attention and they were making things obvious. The moral of my post is two fold. First, it still amazes me that so many gamblers are this uneducated. Why would even a ploppy laugh at LS of a 16 versus 10! Secondly, prepare yourself for these encounters. I'm not sure what the right approach would have been. I said nothing, but I kept wanting to shut them up without the house noticing. I would have liked to have this table as an option later in my session, because it was the best opportunity in this shop, but I did not return to it.
Good playing.