1-8.i dont know your money situation but i would bump that up higher then 5-40.my bjrm doesnt have 4 decks in it,but i did a 6 deck sim with 5 decks pen(80%), wong in at+1 or whatever your first edge is on 4 decks.came up with about 30 bucks an hour.thats with a top bet in the 200 dollar range.not bad, but you will be doing alot of walking for that money..thats with a 5000 bankroll.i hope you at least have that.if not,i would find some rich college chick with big tits to bankroll you and keep the pit attention on her:)anyway, the ror is 13.5%.i wouldnt play with less then 1-12 spread.where is this 4 deck game anyway?i thought they were like dinosaurs.