still makes no difference
First base bets gets his card. We then have many cards dealt and have a huge fluctuation in the count. Third base gets his card.
You may think that first base bet more accurately but this is incorrect. The true count that 1st base had prior to the deal was only an illusion. Had he known what the several cards to follow his would be he would have bet differently. The true count is based on the number of cards you have seen prior to making a decision. Nothing that happens between your decisions has any relevance. Only when it is time to make a new decision does the new information come into play. The edge, or variance of the edge, is not different for third base unless he gets to make his bet based on the new information.
You can relate this to the sports betting example I give in a post in the original thread below. Bettor#1 thinks he has a certain edge and makes his bet. Now a new list of injuries come out. He was not better off for making his bet before this information was known. His edge was an illusion, or the best estimate he could make with what was known at the time. Same with the bet for first base. Just because those cards that will cause a swing in the count are dealt after his it does not mean that their effect on the pool of cards from which his could have been drawn are any less than they are for the counter at third. You could deal third base his card from the very bottom of the deck and it would make no difference.
You have ten cups. 9 have nothing underneath. 1 cup has a $100 bill under it. 5 players each get a pick. They can pick the same cup if they like. You pick first. Based on what you knew, you have a 10% chance of picking the $100 bill. That last player picks. They now expose you choice, and all other choices between yours and the last guy to pick. The $100 bill is gone before we even see under the last guy's cup. He has a zero % chance of winning now. Does this mean that he made a less accurate choice, that he had less than a 10% chance, that the first picker had more certainty of edge? No, they will both pick correctly 10% of the time based on having the same information at the time they made the choice. The additional information about the losing and winning cups would have made a difference to the last bettor only if he had the information in advance.