Loss rebate!
First I need to say something about 6:5 blackjack. There were several people on another forum that CLAIM to be able to consistently beat the 6:5 game. I had to speak out on this because the general gambling public reads these forums and to give people misconceptions that these games are playable is wrong... they are NOT! They are an ugly lesson in futility even if using some sort of basic count. As long as there are people crazy enough to play these sorts of rules (6:5, H17, no DAS, etc.), the casinos will gleefully continue to offer them! I'm not sure how this got mixed in with the guy that whacked the AC casinos for millions though... because he for DARN SURE was not playing 6:5!hahahaha
The guy that whacked the AC casinos had a HUGE bankroll, did this over a period of time and had a basic knowledge of accounting! You see, as a high-roller, a "whale" he arranged with the casino manager(s) in question something that they will often do for recreational gamblers that are "whales" and give them a "loss rebate". He arranged to have a juicy 20% loss rebate per playing session, so if he lost, he got back 20% of it. If he won, he won! He jacked up the limits to high heaven and went to town on it! Because of watching the "stop loss" and "stop win" factor and having the numerous playing sessions over the period of time he took full advantage of his 20% loss rebate and slammed the crap out of them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to weigh out the mathematics of what could be pulled off with enough money backing you up and a sufficient number of playing sessions spanning a period of a few months. A few months was just long enough to stretch it out for all it was worth in maximum effect before they caught on to being slammed for a lot of money that they weren't going to scoop right back in the near future as they normally anticipate doing with your standard "whale".