Somehow you've missed the point...
I care not to engage in ongoing dialog over this subject, but do want to clear a few things up for you.
Oddball's recent reference to Don Schlesinger as "Donny Baby" will not endear him to those that not only know Don personally, but hold Don in very high esteem for his Blackjack knowledge.
Oddball's recent penchant to use the word "fuck" in different forms does not enhance his posts nor his persona. I would venture to say the majority find his usage in a negative context. Unlike your pointless reference to the recent "y'all" fun discussion on another board. And yes, there are women who read these the trash talk to impress your friends, not here, it simply doesn't belong.
That you choose to defend Oddball is your business...we all have opinions.
That I post (if I understand you correctly) jokey and inclusive in all previous posts, that you think I'm now being a little harsh is bullshit. Like you, I have an opinion is that the excessive use of the word "fuck", and to demean a person of Don Schlesinger's character is wayout of line!
I assure you, I don't need the posters I cited to add any credence to my thesis. I am very capable of standing on my own...if you re-read what I wrote, you will find that it says "I fully support the points of Titaniumman, Frenchman, Adhoc, and El Lobo".
"I don't think Oddball should have to pay the penalty for Dr. Wogga's excesses". Ah, just what penalty would that be? Wogga was a notorious flamer, and Oddball seems to emulate some of Wogga's characteristics...thus my comment.
As for Al debate with Maverick was pointed but respectful. It doesn't take too much to understand what Gore is, I don't care to go there anymore. Please notice the huge "L" on Gore's forehead. God help us all if he ever gets elected to the big chair.
Finally...Oddball can post as he wishes, from tie-dye to cool dude. Matters not to me...however, his vulgarity is the issue and in my book has absolutely no place on this board.
I think BJ21 has gone through a great ordeal to put Free back together. At some point I suspect should Oddball continue with his "fuck-fest" he will indeed lose his password.
I will not comment further, you have your opinion, you just read mine.