sure tips make happy dealers but there are many places where tips are small and few between and the house still has table games. The house makes the money instead of that money being tipped. Housed like these are common. Do you think a cheap Gaughan property cares about dealers tips, Nope. They get whatever dealers they can get, usually breakin dealers and the tips they get at these places are minimal. If you asked Mr. Gaughan whether he feels bad for getting money from cheap and poor people rather than more going to tips I am sure he would be lying if he said "they should have tipped more". It is more money in his companies coffers bottome line. That is how these cheap joints run. Sure Mandalay Bay probably encourages you to bet for their dealers but if the world were truly to cheapen and not tip (unrealistic assumption but for the sake of argument) Mandalay Bay would soon look like the El Cortez. Table games would exist and conditions would not necessarily suffer, just everything would be cheaper. The house would have made the money and not the dealers and cheap clientele would be the norm. A sad world indeed but I disagree that table games would be eliminated. There are many people willing to work for $5-7 base pay with small tips. Especially a skill that anybody can do with minimal training such as being a blackjack dealer. As a side note I actually tip more at the slum joints than at places like the bellagio. I feel the dealers are more deserving of extra tokes. There is no reason a dealer at the el cortez should get paid significantly less than one at the bellagio for doing the same job but that is the way it is in this world. There are some exceptions such as inexperience and incompetence but I find that these factors tend to be present at both the slum joints and the high roller places.