no sure thing of course...
But at least it is common knowledge that card counting is not illegal. Casinos and cops can certainly make things up and it becomes a royal pain to extricate yourself. No argument there. My only point was that I would at least prefer to stay in a "known arena" since card counting has already made multiple passes through the court system.
I personally don't believe that any kind of dice throwing could be called illegal if it meets the casino's stated requirements, such as hitting the back wall, or whatever. And they certainly are free to change the equipment (speedbumps, different materials, irregular area on table where the dice must hit, etc. But, by the same token, I'd prefer not to be the one to have to establish that precedent. It would be expensive and time consuming. And one could spend part of that time locked up in the pen...
And yes, while I don't know how Uston died (conflicting stories I have heard) I'm certain the casinos could take all sorts of actions should they choose to do so. As I said, _anyone_ posting here can be identified given enough money. The casinos clearly have enough money...