Q & A
By math skills do you mean (1) algebra, calculus, probability and statistics or (2) the ability to start the count at a number and then keep a running count by adding 1 to that number whenever a high card is dealt and subtracting 1 from that number whenever a low card is dealt? The terms high card and low card are defined somewhat differently for each card counting system, but high cards always include all 10s Pictures and Aces, and low cards include 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, 6s and 7s, or at least some of these.
One needs facility with the latter, including addition and subtraction with negative numbers, as well as positive numbers and zero in order to use the simplist effective card counting system. More complicated systems assign integers other than -1,0 and 1 to cards and require division of the running count by the number of cedks remaining to be dealt to get a true count for betting and playing decision. Two of the simplist effective systems are Knock-Out or KO Blackjack from Knock-Out Blackjack by Olaf Vancura, Ph.D. and Ken Fuchs and the the Red Seven Count from Blackbelt in Blackjack by Arnold Snyder (the 2005 edition).
You must also know the basic falacies and facts:
1. Casino games are designed to give the house an advantage. They are not friendly games in which the player and casino have equal chances of winning.
2. A player cannot overcome the casino's edge by using a betting system based on increasing the bet after a loss, increasing the bet after a win, apredetermined or random sequence of numbers or the like.
3. Obtaining an edge by counting cards does not guarantee that a player will win. A card counter has not changed places with the casino. The counter has a limited bankroll, plays one table at a time and plays limited hours. The casino plays with an extremely high bankroll, has many tables operating simultaneously and is open 24-7-365.
4. Stupid or otherwise unconventional play by others at a table has no effect on a counter's or basic strategy player's expectation.
5. Avoid books with obsolete or incorrect basic strategy. Go here for correct basic strategy for various rules and numbers of decks:
5.1 Basic strategy includes hitting 12 against a dealer's 2 or 3.
Guestimating the card flow will not give you an edge. Play for fun, rather than to make a living!