How can APs contribute to society in a positive way like any other professionals, such as Dr. Jack Kekorkian? Through this link,,
I read articles about the Hall of Famers such as
Lawrence Revere
Julian Braun
Edward O. Thorp
Ken Uston
Stanford Wong
Keith Taft
Max Rubin
James Grosjean
Arnold Snyder
Tommy Hyland
Peter Griffin
As I read the above articles, I look for their contributions to society & take notes in my mind.
Then, through this link,,
I read all about the right-to-die champion, Doctor Jack, & his contributions to society.
Wow, this guy fights for the right of terminally-ill-people to die with dignity. He went to jail for 8 years for what he truly believes (as in contrast to BJTraveller & James Grosjean who went to jail for playing cards legimately). As a result of Doctor Jack's contributions, State of Oregon allows the terminally-ill-patients to die with dignity. States of Hawaii, Wisconsin, and Washington almost allow the right to die too, but they (& more States) will take more time to pass the law just like Oregon. By the way, some people will not appreciate Dr. Jack's contributions until they witness their family members dying slowly & painfully without dignity in a nursing home/hospital.
So do you know any AP that is as good as Dr. Jack in regard to contributions to society? I mean really great contributions from APs, not just making money from casinos, paying income taxes, providing a living for his family, doing volunteer work in his community, or teaching others how to gamble with edges, etc...