Slow Playing Leaves Money on the Table
Slow playing good casino games will make you less money in the long run and leave money on the table that your AP competitors will take from you. You will make less money and it will take you more time to make it. Better to make $16K in one day than $2K per day over four 2 day trips. You never know when your gravy train is going to vanish, your game could be gone before you get in your four trips. Money in your hand today is worth much more than money down Casinos being milked will undoubtedly wonder why their hold is so low and eventually bring in some outsider who can muck up your works. I've seen it happen again and again, a casino decides to put in a 2 deck game and deals 80% and takes all kinds of action then suddenly one or two regular players get lucky and kill the casino with a big + flux and then a new casino manager shows up and the house cleaning begins and the penetration drops to 50% or the two deck game goes away completely.
You can't expect people who play BJ for a living to leave your little goldmine alone. There are pro's in every part of the country who understand that they have to get the EV while the casino is dishing it out. If the casino was offering a 2:1 BJ promo would you milk it? You know that eventually it has to go away, it's the nature of things. 2:1 blackjack promo's simply cannot survive and great games can't survive either unless the casino is willing to toss everyone as soon as they bet real money and move their bets around in the slightest. Think of a great BJ game just like a 2:1 promo. You know that a double deck game with great rules dealt to the bottom simply cannot survive so why bother trying to conserve it. You will never conserve it long enough or predictably enough to make up for the money you leave on the table.
Regarding being reported to other casinos, sometimes it happens but it's really only a short term problem. Once you know casinos communicate you know to avoid the neighbors until the heat dies down, you simply play elsewhere while they're waiting on you to show up. Eventually someone else gets their attention and you're forgotten. Except for the special cases of big team play, known players, hole carders, and actual criminals there are few casinos who report to Griffin anymore for fear of lawsuits and Griffin is much more selective about what they add to their database wanting multiple confirmations from casinos that have a good reputation for accurate skills checks. (i.e., your little casino in Podunk Michigan has little chance of being taken seriously by anyone). The only exception to this are the Native American casinos who have their own national database and tend to accept reports from any of their members regardless of accuracy or member casinos competence. (which is usually close to zero).
There aren't that many big action BJ players or teams anymore that you need to worry about. Most of the biggest teams don't even play pitch games because they can't get the money down and can't factor in preferential shuffling and cover into their win-rates. It's the casinos job to protect their games, not the AP's job. If you want to protect your casino's games you should go to work for them. It's the AP's job to win money.