Few blackjack players know how to play Spanish 21, fewer still also know how to card count Spanish 21. Those who know both Spanish 21 and blackjack will say that one can easily expand their knowledge of blackjack deviations by applying the important deviation indices for Spanish 21 to blackjack, and vice versa.
A Spanish deck in fact starts out with a -4.33 true count if seen as a regular blackjack deck. Thus, by knowing Spanish 21 card counting, one may still find a winning path even in the deep negative TC territory.
Take the hand of 10 vs. 8 for example. An ordinary blackjack card counter may say: "Double, no doubt!" But a masterful blackjack card counter who knows the 100 or so FULL blackjack deviation indices may say: "Just hit, since the TC is so negative."
Any knowledgeable Spanish 21 card counter would say the index for 10 vs. 8 is ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT DEVIATION INDEX TO BE REMEMBERED in Spanish 21. With AceMT, the index for 10 vs. 8 in Spanish 21 happens to be ZERO. Just by learning a few more important AceMT Spanish 21 like that, and applying them also to blackjack, you can cover a lot of lost ground totally given up by most blackjack counters.