Laurance is pissed about me revealing secrets of his system
Hi folks
THe First person in thi9s line of talk to START FLAMING!
Firstly, the guy lies again!
This is in direct response to postings at his site about his claims and actually someone asking important questions pertaining to his Human Ballistic approach which he removed from the board as not only was it obviously damaging, but very much true. I then posted these points at another site and a few I would like to ask him himself, hence this petty response!
As for his comments on my system , if I can simply get you to come and view yourself, you will be able to make your own minds up as to it working! You can also bring any roulette wheel you like. Once the program is set up, I will have you making money on your own in under 20 minutes!
Laurance is correct about the peak picking as he calls it, but that is simply scatter recognition that the computer incorporates and displaying it also on screen shows exactly how the program works, as laurance has never seen my roulette computer but only picked up tit bits from other posts and made the rest up, he cant really make any assumptions, he does not realise that its apparently obvious how it works and can be seen calculating visually in practice mode with the screeen open! Funny really, but the peak picking as he calls it, can be repeated on any wheel as a signature of that wheelincorporating newtonian mechanics as well. Seems like this is something that Larance missed out on when he was helping programming Copernicus, which incidently does not work all that good, if at all on new wheels!
Ask Laurance to show you his mathematics on the balls physical properties, this was posted at gambler glen, he claimed adamantly that the equation for the ball was a Y=Ax^3+Bx^2+Cx+d in His program Copernicus, funny really, but this has two opposing peaks in the graph, it would be more fitting to use something that behaved and could mathematically be manipulated by stretching on its X and Y axis, like a second order Polynomial in the order of Y=Ax^2+Bx+c
Heres the questions raised about his system on his own board, my interest, to protect people from people not listing all the facts>
Hi Folks
One of the people who has emailed me is a guy called Maximus who is incidently not the same Max on this board, any more and its going to get confusing.
Maximus wrote several replies, I will not post them here, but to make comment on them, after challenging Laurances Human Ballistic
approach mathematics and certain facts that are relevant to purchasing the system and understanding its pitfalls, his posts were removed all except one?
It appears that laurance is making his Human ballistic approach alot more appealing without showing all the facts. Money first, let the purchasers ask questions later! This frightened off Maximus, who suspects that there is alot that people are not telling and withholding the negative points of the method, which equally should be discussed so people know genuinely what they are up against!
Laurance wrote>
This is an excellent question, which I do cover extensively in the book. Here are some guidelines:
First, Roulette heat is different than blackjack heat in that once the M.O. is observed, there are several counter measures that the casino can easily implement to negate your edge. The most extreme being to just not allow you to bet before the ball is thrown. This has happened to me on several occasions.
So, it's not like you feel physically threatened. A quiet comment to the dealer occurs and your conditions go away. If the casino thinks you are cheating (past posting), you can expect a visit from security. But for normal visual play I have never felt threatened in any way, and I have never been barred. The trick in visual play is to make sure your bet is placed and your hands are away from the table when the ball has 1 revolution to go. And *NEVER* challenge the dealer once they have told you "No more bets".
I have been barred for computer play, as I was playing with a team that got a bit too greedy, but that is a story for another time. The short story is that if you use computer equipment (generally not advised in the U.S.), you can expect 'heat' in the traditional sense. In this case, the casinos want to confiscate your equipment.
It is important to play what I call "under the radar". The trick isn't to avoid heat, but to keep the conditions going. You can judge what a wheel is taking in for the casino; just observe about 1/2 hour of action, multiply by .0526 (if a 00 wheel), and then estimate how many 1/2 hours the casino can expect of this type of action. For most casinos, the daily expectation for a wheel is less than $500. If you peg your "Lucky Win" to be less than 1/2 of their expected daily expectation, play at a table for a max of 2 hours, and stick to either $1 or $5 chips (as the table norm dictates) you will be ok. If you go into the Lady Luck betting $25 a number, your conditions won't last too long.
Please note that these are only general guidelines, and every situation can be different. Visual Roulette is like anything else; a good dose of common sense goes a long way.
Maximus simply stated that using any method that appeared to be winning would draw attention to you. The Casinos would and could suspect a roulette computer as much as using a human ballistic approach. In other words, although you are not using a roulette computer, it draws exactly the same HEAT from the casinos perspective, they see people monitoring the wheel, then placing a bet!
Please tell me and I hoe Maximus is reading this, why would you not feel threatened Laurance, the casino staff will assume that you may have the device in your shoe, a cigarette lighter, your watch, etc!
If this s how they have seriously treated you and you have never felt threatened, I believe you, for me, its exactly the same with roulette computers! You never mention that you have being search for a roulette computer, yet the casinos would have the exact suspicion as someone with a computer!
It proves my point, that in all your playing years, no one ever came up to you(Otherwise you would have mentioned it) and said, hey have you got a roulette computer?
This contradicts your comments that its unsafe to play with a computer, it proves quite the opposte, it is safe to play, and as most of your play has being in vegas and the US, supposingly the most dangerous place to play of all, it begs the question, do the casinos have any defence at all against roulette computers!
I know your only chance is to throw dates in here, but the truth is that you played up until 1994 you posted, only ten years ago. Many roulette computers existed, you were using one yourself!
Laurance also claims that it is illegal in most states of America, incorrect also. It appears that Laurance is being unscupulous and not straight with people. Deterring the view that roulette computers can be used in the states and drawing people into purchasing his method, Maximus also questions why, in all this, did Laurance use roulette computers, if his Human Ballistic method works so well. He does say that he actually devised the Human method first, then went on to roulette computers!
My answer to this is that Roulette computers are relentless in making money in the casino, Human Ballistic methods are not.
Hence when questioned by myself as to why a person who spent many evenings with him in his stay in the UK at the casino for several weeks, never wittnessed the Laurance making any money with his human ballistic approach whatsoever!
It also explains why Laurance asked if I would be interested in doing the electronics for him for a gadget to take in the casinos.My question to you is this Laurance>Why not play your human Ballistic method if it works Laurance instead, it be have a lesser edge, but you just up the stakes to make it pay the same, surely!
Maximus also asked for someone to post if they had any luck with the system yet, for genuine people to reply to inform him how they were making out with the device as he was contemplating purchasing Laurances system. Maximus stated that there seemed alot of discussions about the system on the message board, but no one seemed to be posting that they were actually winning with it!
Although I imagine several will appear instantanously in the next few days!
You must be honest laurance, these are valid questions from a prospecting customer, that need to be answered! I have told Maximus it works to a degree your method, he emailed me several weeks ago to ask me about my method, then yours. I still do not agree that it is as easy to implement as you propose and hence this is why you turned to a more reliable way, using a roulette computer!
It will only take a few months, then people will realise that Laurances system is not all that, again he will dissappear, his pension raised a little with the sales of his method!
Its funny, but some time ago, last year another team started out down south in London selling roulette computers. Newton Roulette
A certain Mark Reed was selling an inferior system to mine, but claimed it was alot better than mine. As a team of several people operating from rented officed in London, their sales topped just five computers in one year!
Between a team of 7, this is not a viable business!
One of the team members has contacted me aking if I have any work and told me of the failing project and that Mark Reeds device is very basic. The site is now down, no more paying companies to advertise it on the net, they simply cannot afford it, the site has gone, but his business associate believe he is selling them on his own, maybe through a mag advert!
now I forcast this demise, why? Because I was one of these purchasers and saw what a load of rubbish the system was. It could only work on steeped banked wheels from 20 years ago, and then the prediction was basic!
I also had contact from another customer of Mark Reeds, he actually came to visit me from Europe. We played Mark reeds system against mine, Mark reeds failed miserably, but it was a valuable lesson of the purchaser, that he should come and view what he is purchasing first!
A little story, but I can see this happening to you Laurance too, you must be honest with your customers, I know you have not lied, but you have avoided answering questions that pertain to the truth, which can be construed as scamming to some degree!