The whales such as the Asians that are typically at the high limit baccarat tables are far beyond the level of any professional card counters. In our circles, what constitutes a high roller will vary by casino. In many casinos a $200 average bet will put you among their premium clientelle. At others you will not be noticed until you are making bets in excess of $1000. The threshold as to what consitutes a legitimate threat has been lowered over the years. At one time only relatively large betting advantage players went out on the SIN and Griffin reports. Today, with the internet, even those spreading from green to light black may get 86d and sent out on Griffin Gold and the local SINs.
About Wonging and such in high limit areas: you can sometimes Wong into your first shoe and Wong out on a negative. But it is increasingly common to see no mid-shoe entry at all games in high roller areas. Additionally, there is generally a very high ratio of pit critters to players in high roller areas and it will be quite obvious if you try to do much backcounting, etc.