Hmm, old people
Well old people are pretty interesting, nice to talk to and ask them about things about carrying around a tank of Oxygen to live and colostemy bags. Maybe they will think about things a little more and I'll get a better chance to keep track of the count (I just started counting 5 months ago), not quite a pro yet.
My parents used to take me there and I remember there being alot of old people at Sam's Club (Gold River) but aside from there I don't remember there being more old people than another place. Particularly at the Harris del Rio durring spring break, there was this one guy peeing out of his hotel room out into the parking lot from the 12th floor.
Anyway the last time we all went to Vegas my mom lost her wallet with some $1200 in it, needless to say she isn't going to be going to Vegas for a while yet.