My theory: With respect to blackjack, if there were more winners, there would be respectively a multitude of additional losers. Hmmmmm ?????
I think we all agree that every casino needs the perfect balance of its percentage of winners to losers in order to achieve its highest and best return of profit. The big question is however; how many of each, in terms of a percentage? I think the percentage of winners needs to be higher than what typical casino staffs assume. I believe, more winners equates to many more losers. The end result for the casinos is more profit.
It is my personal contention most likely that; lucky player returns along with AP proper EV returns are essential to the ultimate bottom line profits for casinos.
How many of you reading this believe as I do that this may be more probable than we are being manipulated to think?
In summary, the casinos staffs of the world should probably not be so concerned with winners. They are just plain good for business in the long run, regardless of the quality of the player that the wins are coming from.