I was doing BJ webb investigation(surfing) the other day and ran upon this website.
We all know anyone can post anything on their site true or false data is everywhere.
You'll have to copy and paste the web address as it does not CLICK as usual:
The owner claims "Gambling Mathematics Applied to Blackjack: The Myth Of Card Counting"
Click on this address:
Like many who claim this or that, they take a lot or little truth and then weave in the lie or misconception!
He goes on to say: "One long time gambler, Murray Friedkin, says of Thorp in �Big Julie of Vegas� by Edward Linn: �Thorp is the smartest man in the world; if you don�t believe me, ask him�Whatever Thorp may say, I can tell you that if he has made any money on blackjack he made it by writing a book.� The late gambling expert John Scarne derided the counters and challenged Thorp to a $100,000 match at blackjack. He later extended the challenge to other leading counting advocates. There were some nos, then yeses, then considerably more backing and filling; the blackjack contest never came off.� "
This kind of propaganda surely explains why there is so much confusion out there that is readily digested by non-counters!