That's a good one...except one important slang was left out...
In Asian casinos, they still scream "mo-yair", but in American casinos, I suppose that has evolved into something more understandable and pronounciable and probably more likeable and cute as "monkey". quoted by 49
In additon to the above, this slang ("Mah Kor Height") is an important part of Asian gamblers' vocabularies.
When "Mo-Yair" (no-substance or zero) comes true, the winners yell: "Ho-Yair" (Good stuff.)
But, when "Mo-Yair" fails, the losers yell: "Mah Kor Height" (Ur mother's @#$%^ !)..... (@#$%^=an obscene term for female genitals).
Dr Wong probably got yelled at by this slang when his father-in-law got really pissed at him for gambling without an "edge" circa 4 decades ago (before he knew how to cout cards). LOL.