It�s important that you understand the psychology of winning because your attitude and emotions play a crucial role in winning, whether you win $50 or several thousand.
Over the years, I�ve taught myself to be happy with a win of any amount. It may be elementary, but you must appreciate the fact that winning any amount of money is much better than losing any amount of money. If the winning session are small, let them accumulate. You must train yourself to be happy with a win of any amount, simply because it is a win. You�re on the plus side of the ledger.
Well, the next time you plan a trip to a casino, consider a new definition for winning or losing. Winning is being successful; losing is being a failure. If you win, you succeed and if you lose you fail.
Does it sounds different? Failing sure sounds a lot worse than losing doesn�t it? No one wants to fail; in business, in marriage or in school. Those are scars no one wants. But for some reasons, failing in casino is an accepted failure. We�ve all trained ourselves to accept a gambling loss because �is part of Standard Deviation� and if you keep losing it doesn�t matter because in the �long run� eventually we will win what the computer sims tells us. I am just plain sick of the �experts� who peddle virtually worthless advice in their books regarding BJ. Somewhere in their pitch you�re told that they�re not millionaires because they are not allowed to play the way the sims tells then is the correct way to do or they�re not interested in playing because they want to dedicate themselves in writing books for us to learn how to play the proper way. Bunk! Don�t believe it when they tell you that even if you lose today is not a big deal and you should keep playing and betting by the count and �EVENTUALY� you will win back your money and some more.
If you�re not positively sure you seriously want to win, you probably won�t. It�s that simple. Part of winning is your attitude and philosophy, which affects your preparation, commitment, discipline. It has to be there. Do you know what it means to quit winners? Can you say to yourself, �That�s enough, I�ve got what I want, I can play again later�? if you are an average player with an average income, will $500 make you happy> Us that enough?
If you managed to win $500 during a brief �opportunity� why give it back looking for the big score when the opportunity has long vanished? Try it latter! Remember, winning must be reduced in your mind to its simplest terms - If you have won any amount of money, you have not lost
Many friends of mine are honest-to-gosh professional BJ players who live in Vegas, play regularly, and win regularly every day. Unlike some posters on this forum that they claim to lose $60,000 in a day and is fine because is part of Stdev �, Bunk! That�s no pro BJ, that is pure gambling at its worse. A real pro is looking for a steady $300/day on every day. He is looking for a total of about $10,000/month, on every month over and over. But he is accomplish this task by winning small amounts every day.
Always follow the cardinal rule of betting: Start small, press up 30 to 50% when you are winning and lay back or walk away when you start losing hands. Play against the dealer and not against the deck. Use card counting only for strategy deviations like when to Insure, double or not to double, when to split or not and when to hit or stand.
There are times more frequent than you might imagine when you are ahead during a typical playing session. Set aside some of the winnings. This practice will insure that you quit winners and you know you�ve beaten them!