There's been far too much touting,blabbing and assuming remarks on the internet about how ploppies dont care about rules and blackjack is on it's way out. This is totally misleading bullshit.
Many newbie and oldie nitwits take pride in this statement by posting such long brilliant theories of why they think this nonsense to be true,-- as a result the others(nitwits) will follow the steps and plagerly blab on.
Many times their pathetic comments will end with a contradicting note of "The only reason why casinos offer good rules is because of competition." However for some reason they dont understand or see the contradictions within their own comments.
Hey nitwits, read your own remark once again:
"Blabbing..ploppies dont care about rules." and then conclude to,
"Competition is the reason casinos offer better rules."
Casino competition has proven ploppies do care and not as stupid as management thought them to be.