State Id
In most states it has been far easier than a DRIVER'S LISC.
Problem is, *won't most casinos look at you as kind of strange* if you only have state ID?
To get an ID, most states ask for a:
A)letter to an address
B) a birth certificate with said name on it
C)Voter Registration
Not all states require those documents.
Montana has required only a letter to your address.
California requires about everything and your data is coded on your ID like your Driver's Liscence in most states.
Of course it's been a while since I have heard about those that work it; but the DMV or simular office is the place to get it.
If you are really interested in being covert, I'd check out this web address and get their catalogue:
They have a large list of books their I'm sure the customers are all watched!
ONE WARNING! I would go to the library under an anonomous name and web search this and have the catalogue sent to another address.
After 9/11, the U.S. Constitution has been illigetimatized to the point of NO RIGHT OF PRIVACY and NO FREEDOM OF SPEECH.
EMAILS and PHONES are ALL TAPPED INTO. >>>>>>>>>>ALL>>>>>>>
Sounds like Germany at one time doesn't it?