For not restricting access to the free forums. I am a bit surprised given the chorus of people who want you to alter these boards.
Green Chip's closed mentality is pretty stifling to real debate. Bj21 community members get innundated with positive comments. How do you get status on bj21? Write a lengthy discussion and analysis of issues everyone agrees on. Even if a respected person disagrees with the post, that person will almost always refuse to post a negative comment. "What happens if I need a computer sim run? What happens if I need information from that dumb poster on local casinos? I'd better be nice to that poster."
Mike Lea's disagreement with J Morgan over SCORE numbers was a sad example of how bj21 can go wrong. Some of the posters were obnoxious, but ML was man enough to apologize to the parties involved. ML was pretty obnoxious himself at times. So why did this thread generate a chorus of bj21 community support of "respect your betters and be polite" to ML detractors? ML's harshest attacks were on the free pages, so go to that poster if you've got beef. The Green Chip posts were civil enough.
So how do regular bj21 posters deliver negative comments? The negative comments are almost always posted under fake handles. After months of building up a "respectable" handle, why tarnish it?
Why not post on Green Chip? Some people have concerns with their privacy. Perhaps players are not interested in being solicited for advantage play. While posting on the free pages a player can stay totally anonymous.