It has always been my contention that baccarat card counting was viable as a practical matter. To that end, I offered a variety of sources as proof, but the primary source was and is Abdul jalib M'hall's "Baccarat report" which is archived over at bjmath.
When this matter was discussed ar RGE a year previously, it was suggested that Mathprof and Cacarulo (now an RGE expert)do a combinatorial analysis of the game and determine the answer one way or another. I did not think any study needed to be done, but I was happy to think some productive research was being done in this area.
A year passed.
I now find, that, whether I want to or not, people will not let the matter of baccarat card counting rest and continue to attack the concept. I would suggest the matter be resolved by publication of the study. If there is a good reason for not publishing the study I would like to know why (at the e-mail address above), which I do not think is completely reasonable given the accusations that have been levelled against my work recently.