Last night a particularly annoying ploppie really pushed me to the point of no return. This old hag was playing the Royal Match sucker bet and scrapping BS to play it. Now I am not ordinarily bothered by the way people play because I know it doesn't impact my game in the long run. However, the way she was screwing herself was just idiotic. $5 table, and she has $12 bet and a $2 suckers' bet. She matches her first two cards and totals 16 against a 6. The sucker bet pays 2.5 to 1, so she wins $5. She then says "I know this might screw it for the table but I'm going for a match". She then hits and busts (16 vs. 6) and to top it off, she doesn't make her match bet. If she got her side bet she would have won $5 but seriously endangered her $12 regular bet. I told her how incredibly stupid she was to risk busting her $12 bet to win $5. I flew off the handle on her because she's one of those people who DOES NOT shut up. EVER. She reminded me of the character created on SNL by Mike Meyers. The older jewish lady with thick glasses and blue dress and who wouldn't shut up.
Thanks for listening to my rant, it helps me from going Postal from time to time on these people.