Depends on how much each plays...
Say for example each of you has an average bet of $50 and plays 100 rounds: thus, each has $50/round * 100 rounds = $5,000 in action. Since your EV is 1.0%, you should make $50. Your buddy's EV is 1.5%, so he should make $75. Overall, then, as a team you should together make $125 on $10,000, for an EV of 1.25%.
Now if the two of you have different amounts of action, then your team EV will vary somewhere between 1.0% (you have ALL the action; your partner does not play) and 1.5% (you don't play; your partner has ALL the action). Obviously, if you both play, then the larger the fraction of total action contributed by your friend, the closer the team EV will be to 1.5%.
Hope this helps!
Dog Hand