Frankly Speaking
Hello Not Frank:
All human beings have areas of weakness as well as strength...Just because I believe [or know] that Frank Stanton has accepted false ideas about the game of blackjack in general, doesn't prevent me from agreeing with him when he states something with a great deal of value in it.
Here is Frank Stanton's pasted message.
The csm is a threat to ANY player. The cards are not in
sight of the players. The players have no idea of
what kind of shuffle. The player has no way of knowing
if the cards in the shoe are proper. Sooner or later
some casino will get caught with missing aces and too
many fours, or some other impropiety. THEN ALL CASINOS
WILL BE SUSPECT! Show a little honor your games are
slanted enough-ALREADY
That submission contains excellent ideas...I think it would be entirely within reason if the Casino Licensing Commission held random checks while the game was in progress...At the end of a blackjack hand, a man or woman standing behind the players would announce that he or she was with the Licensing Commission...Show the appropriate authorization and spread the cards from the secretive CSM on the table to determine that their distribution is legal.
It would also be nice if the players could be shown that the secretive machines were not programmed to "hold" high cards out of play at various intervals.
Way to go Frank Stanton...I salute you.