Hi BJ 21 posters,
Has anyone got any info on how to beat a continuous Shuffler (The version where the discards get put back into play after every round).
Unfortunately these machines are the only game in town where I play, so choice is not a factor! There are two types of shuffler currently being utilised by the casinos I frequent. One apparently has a buffer of around +/- 20 cards and the other around +/- 60 cards before any discards come back into play
I've read a few very brief articles on the subject and certainly believe they can be beat. Advantage Playing Compatriots have told me these contraptions are positively playable, but for obvious reasons are very loathe to part with the facts & figures on how to do it.
If anybody out there could shed some light on this for me. It would of great help to my future playing time in these blinkered casinos. Also if this subject is deemed to be rather sensitive, please feel free to use the attached E Mail address for one on one replies.
Thanking in advance anbody who can help.