I just have one simple question for Arelia. As pretty & smart as you're, why don't you learn how to count cards and beat casinos in their own turfs instead of in courts?
Arelia Taveras, ex-lawyer-gambler, wrote:
"Just for the record, I never touched any 911 monies, I did touch my escrow account for an apartment I was selling in Bayside.
A compulsive gambler, is just that, compulsive, you crossed the line as I did and I've suffered enough for it.
I take full responsibility for my actions.
The reason I am suing for those thinking it's all about the money:
1. Every state with a casino,should pay for a treatment facility for the junkies they are creating
2. when your grandmother/father, is squandering away his/her savings there will be a procedure to so monitor excessive gambling
3. that legislation be passed to amend current laws regulating gaming facilities, they haven't been updated since 1974, duties towards gamblers has changed
4. When a gambler is over their limit, because casinos watch you all day, even when you exit to use the bathroom, that the casino have a duty of care to protect you and themselves from suits like mine
5. When people exclude themselves from casinos, I want a mandatory 30-60 day exclusion from the casino
6. we need a gamblers assistance program b/c 60% of compulsive gamblers die or attempt to commit suicide, for all those "john/ jane doe"s that die anonymously and are wheeled out the back doors of casinos so you never know about it
7. all of you know a gambler, 35 million students are gambling on campuses, kids are betting on sports, and marriages are destroyed because of this addiction, where is the responsibility there?
6.A woman left her two children in a car to gamble and they died of heat exhaustion and dehydration, in the bronx a father prostituted his daughters to feed his addiction, a teenager shot himself in the head outside of a casino because he took money off his parent's credit cards and the list goes on..."
In the story of falling from grace and "attempted-redemption", she proudly displayed a photo of her pretty face with Mayor Mike: