There are so many...
..ranging from "Gee, thanks!" (after you've made the play) to "Who's money is this in this square, mine or yours?"
The real trick is to quickly size people up and say whatever will get them to shut up, leave you alone, and quit drawiing attention to you.
What works is quite different for different people. Some folks respond well to kindness and some will only respond to being "shot down in flames":
I once had a very polite lady tell me not to split something, (don't remember exactly what it was) and I politely said, something like "You know, I appreciate the advice, but I just like to play my cards my own way, thanks." She smiled and never offered any more advice.
But on another occasion, (I remember this one clearly!) a loud, tough looking "lady" drunk had been annoying the whole table with her unsolicited (and wrong) advice. When someone asked her to mind her own business, she just got louder.
Finally, when she chastized me for doubling on A,7 vs a weak card, ("Hell, you awlreddy got ah eighteeeen! Whadya wanna tayke uhnuther hit fer?") I said loudly "If I wanted to have an ugly old woman yell at me, I'd have stayed at home!"
Everyone at the table laughed, and she stomped off. Mission accomplished.
BTW, I would have never said something like that to the first lady. I could tell she only needed a friendly reminder to mind her own business.
Use what works, but using a flame thrower just to get rid of a mosquito may draw unwanted pit attention.
My 2 cents worth.
Take care,