You did
Who said anything about game protection?
You did. To quote you from a few posts above...
3. Most of us are here because we enjoy the field. I could make a lot more money working for the casinos. But I can't imagine ever taking their side. Unfortunately, the atmosphere created by the formation of BJF and its constant drumbeat of attacks in an attempt to destroy other sites takes much of the enjoyment out of the field. And ignoring the problem doesn't solve it.
We are here making money from casinos. "Taking the side" of the casino is preventing people from taking money from the casinos. When you use a word like "side", you are splitting AP's against casinos. If you said "working with them" instead of "taking their side" you would have have not have alluded to the adversarial relationship.
Believe what you wish. This "discussion" has no point.
"Believe"? What do I believe? I askeed you if you could name one person who made even $250K/year in a field where you claim that you could make much more even though you have zero experience. You can't answer any of my questions, so I guess you are correct that this discussion has no point. You refuse to discuss what you have written.
Math Boy