I just got back from a 3 day stay at the borgata and got in 38 hours of playing spreading 1-15 units (the 5 dollar tables were usally full but I got a few 1- 2X 10 spreads at off hours) and after about 6 hours I was up 90 units after wiining 94 units there last week
Unforunatly that 90 units went down quite fast as I lost it all and then about 100 more. I got to with in 26 units, back down almost 140 units and finally ended the trip at a pitiful -110 unit trip ( i actually got the 30 back wonging on the boardwalk while waiting for the bus home)
This has not been my worst trip ( barely) but my worst swing ever on a single trip
I have all the confidence in the world in my abilities and the math behind counting and will get it back, hopefully next week but in all likelyhood over time
I just figured Id post this because my friends who dont count and dont know I count think I'm an idiot and I'm sure youve all had trips like this
I also have a few questions for those of you who've been at this for a while--
1) After a while do the wins and losses not seem to affect you much?I've made about 50 ac trips and early on when I lost I felt like crap the whole way home and when I won I was extatic for days.
These days I obviosly want to win but I had no problem sleeping on the bus and know that Ill grind out my share of winnings from casinos over the years- Does this happen to the rest of you?
2)I am only 21 and other than BJ I am a very normal 21 year old but being I have no family to take care of and I am confortable taking risks by playing blackjack
My Bankroll is not optimal for my spread but I can live with that and will be constantly adding to it so its more of a long term bankroll, however I guess I am kind of at a crossroads in my life
But simply put for those of you who have been at it for a while would you do it all again if you could?
I apprecaite any responses