Final stab at logical response . . .
(What about Bob)-
"Where did you get your 15% figure from? Losing 13 out of 18 hands isn't rare at all."
Based on several thousand hours of play I think losing (or winning for that matter) 13 out of 18 hands occurs about 10-15% of the time when you play exactly 18 hands. (Please run a sim on this) It is FAR more rare than winning 9 and losing 9 hands, 10/8. 11/7, ect.
(What about Bob)
"i ran a sim with very liberal rules (SD S17 DA2 Ro8) for this $100 bankroll
and a 1:4 spread in red. Ave bet was only $8.60 and RoR was a whopping 80.5%"
(Me)-***Can't be. No one approaches a BJ table with 20 units ($100/5) thinking they stand as 80% chance of losing it all in 3 dealt decks. Ian Anderson built his career starting each session with only 25 units (20% of his trip bankroll) and trying to double this amount or losing it but only playing for 45 minutes max. You are telling us Anderson lost his sessions bankroll around 80% (and won 20%) of the time IN JUST THREE DECKS played? That is laughable!
We all know that, being a close to 50-50 game most of our time at the tables (short session) is spent winning about half the hands or eeking out a small win with the occasional streak either up or down. No one loses 20 units 80% of the time any more than they can expect to win 20 units 80% of the time. C'mom.
Your sims are not programmed right or I have to disregard the thousands in profit I and countless other counters have playing this way.
Please message board readers, try to expand this!