The cold hard truth
I want to Be a FULL-TIME AP now. I know Some about Counting and betting,ec, however, before i go to be a serious player, I'd like to know more informantion and konwledage about winnning on the BJ talbe.
after I lost 2K last night, I read Professional Blackjack again.
Q1: Is Optimal Bet Size is the Best way for us? How many People totally Follow it?
How much of your BR does this 2K represent? Optimal (Kelly) Betting is discussed in PB on pages 203 - 205. I don't know what your BR is, but you might be overbetting it.
Q2�� In shoe game , Does Seat 1 to seat 6 matter? On first base, Sometimes i can see the LAST card of the SHOE.
Third base is always best for gleaning information, but first base can be useful if you have a flashing dealer. All in all, I tend to think that position at a table can be (although not always) highy over-rated.
Q3: I have seen this more than once, on 8 decks shoe game. Running Count like 20, 2 decks left. everybody under 17 and stay because Against a Small Up-card. Dealers pull 3 more small cards and get 17,18 to Kill everyone. Is it NormaL>?
You will find this happening in any game at times, but I will say that an 8 deck game has a lot of variance, so it is entirely possible to "get killed" in a high count on 8d. You can ask any AP about this - it happens, trust me. I've been in a game that the TC was sky high, and my hand was a hard 20 vs dealer 6 face up, with my max bet on the felt. Dealer flips the hole card to reveal a 5, and guess what the next card he gets is going to be? Damn, how I hate it when that happens.
I have some questions for you:
* Do you have BS down cold? Can you recite the indices off the top of your head without even thinking about it? If you don't, then you have no business sitting down at a blackjack table.
* Do you have the I18 down cold, as well? If not, the same advice applies.
*Can you easily convert from RC to TC, and be correct?
There are a lot more questions that I could ask of you, but these are just for openers. From reading your post, it sounds to me like you are not ready yet, and I certainly don't mean that remark unkindly. Reading PB (and you need to read all the other great books, too) will help you, but when it comes down to it, you will need to practice at home until know what to do in actual play without even thinking about it - your moves become automatic.
Your advantage at blackjack is a tiny one, but can be very advantageous to you if your play is correct. One of my first suggestions for you would be to join Green Chip. You will find a wealth of information on that page from some of the most knowlegeable APs in the business. I cannot begin to tell you how valuable it has been for me, and the price is only about $50.00 per year. I would also suggest that you invest in a copy of Casino Verite, as well. It is a must for anyone who is serious about blackjack.
Good luck to you in the future.