So the problem is that I was playing a long session where I was stuck pretty bad. No biggie - not making a living here. A guy sits down in the early part of a shoe, but doesn't bet. He starts commenting on how well I play, and provides a running commentary on the overall play. Next shoe starts, and he doesn't join this time, either. I'm wondering why he doesn't jump in, because there has been almost no paint in at least 3 hands at a full table. I understand counting well enough to know that the shoe is getting really good. Frustratingly, things weren't going well for me, but I persisted in making larger than normal bets (my spread was still only 1 - 3). The next thing I know, the guy walks next to me and asks me "are you counting? Because if you are, the count should be +11 right now. There's only paint left, and you have nothing to be concerned about." I looked at him funny and told him no, I just play as close to basic as I can, and I don't always do that perfectly. I was rather annoyed at the implication, especially because it wasn't out of the realm of possibility that the floor could have heard this.
He went back to his seat, STILL didn't play a hand, but continually said "you guys should be pressing hard here." He left at the end of the shoe.
So was this guy working for the casino, or is he just stupid? Now I'm wondering if I'm going to get barred because of this guy, and quite frankly, would they have told me this before I left? I like to gamble, and I don't want to lose my action.