As blackjack players we deal in probability. A couple of isolated incidents were brought up where counters were roughly treated by casino personnel. The fact is that you could be roughly treated for NO reason at all.
There was a case recently where an elderly woman was assaulted, backroomed, detained, and ultimately ejected and barred from a casino for the crime of finding a NICKLE in a slot machine.
FIVE lousy cents!!!
(I'm surprised a "pro" like LVHCM didn't hear about this case, but he's too busy trolling this board LOL. The woman declined a settlement of $17,000.05 and the case will go to the courts.)
A player who is caught merely counting cards has a 99% (or greater) chance of being allowed to leave the casino without being assaulted by casino personnel (he may be asked to leave, or tresspassed, or counter-measured, but chances are excellent that he'll leave with all his teeth). If a player is caught cheating (and this includes peeking) the chances are MUCH LESS that he won't get an ass kicking.
Bringing up a few isolated incidents of counters being assaulted and claiming from that that card counting is as dangerous as peeking/cheating is analogous to Frank Stanton claiming that NOT doubling an 11 vs a 10 is the right move because "I always get a small card on my 11".