Background for those of you not on Greenchip
Here are some of my previous statements:
January 1, 2004:
Now, let�s take a look at Trackjack�s present condition:
Number of new conditions reported in the last seven days: 1.
Number of new conditions reported in the last month: 1085 � wow. Now if you search back to when those large numbers of reports are made you will find huge numbers in short periods of time.
80 reports on December 13 done in two time blocks 2:46 to 3:24 pm and 5:56 to 7:13 pm. Seven reports were made 3:23 pm and another seven were made at 3:24 pm. Even if conditions had not changed, there are a dozen items listed on each game, and more than 20 other items to consider. Updating 14 games in two minutes is super-human speed.
83 reports on December 12 between 5:39 pm and 6:35 pm.
105 reports on December 11 between 5:41 pm and 6:18 pm.
You can conduct searches by post date in forward and reverse chronological orders yourself if you are a subscriber, and you will find that the reports are consistently made in huge clumps in short periods of time.
The only way I know that this can be done is by scrolling through the games and just clicking the �freshen� command in the administration controls. This only updates the posting date.
To keep myself from getting confused, I used to handle specific regions using different handles. �Lil� Feat�, �Alley-oop�, �Dr. No�, and �T Rex� are all me. It�s good to know I�m still prolific.
Now, let�s look at the rest of Trackjack�s activity:
The last time Kumar or anyone else in the administration posted any site news was August 21.
There is no �new news� in the last seven days. There are only 5 items of �new news� in the last month, and only 9 more in the last 6 months.
There are no �user comments� in the last seven days, only one in the last month, but 75 in the last six months. Of those 75, however, only about half a dozen are by handles I recognize. The vast majority are by names like �bill the kill�, �the cap�, and �check�.
The support forum�s last post was on August 19, predicated by very few posts in the preceding months.
Like I said, the only thing subscribers care about is accurate fresh information.
Do you think you are getting it?
And this in reply on January 17th in reply to a post by Electric Kid:
As editor, whenever I researched and found that conditions had not changed on a game, I always just hit the Freshen command on the administrative controls of Trackjack.
Hitting Freshen would keep all of the information the same, but would change the posting date and time to the moment that the report was "freshened". This allowed the original person who made the report, to retain credit for it. The other subscribers were receiving actual information as to when the report had last been confirmed, and it was easy on me. Everybody won.
The problem now is that Trackjack sits for days, sometimes over a week at a time with no reports at all, and then suddenly 80 or over 100 reports will be made per hour in spurts.
If Kumar or who ever is actually using his "international network of reporters" or is even just plain old researching conditions, it takes several minutes to review just one game even if the conditions have not changed. You have to look at number of tables, min bet, max bet, H17 or S17, number of decks, what the player is allowed to double down on, how the game is shuffled, what the penetration is, if double after splitting is allowed, how many times pairs can be split, how many times aces can be split, and a whole bunch of other things like unusual payouts and special options.
Then I see that several games are being updated per minute, sometimes at rates as fast as a report every eight seconds or so. That's about as fast as Trackjack can go. Sure, you could make notes of all the games that had not changed, and then "Freshen" them all together rapidly, but why would you? That "Freshen" command is just sitting there waiting to be clicked, and you have just confirmed the conditions. Why would you make a note, leave that report, and then come back later?
Moreover, someone who is really doing all this is going to sometimes see something worth making a special announcement on "New News", "Site News", or in the report's "Comments". But that isn't happening at all.
I've been accused of carrying a grudge. My personal issue was settled, and I had hopes that subscribers would notice this situation, and ask about it themselves, or that believable reporting would commence. When I see that someone as intelligent and independent as Electric Kid does not fully realize what is going on, I understand that I'm probably the only one outside of RGE who does. That's only because of my many hundreds of hours editing Trackjack.
What am I supposed to do? Be the only one who knows what is going on, and just sit quiet?