"Wonging" Green Chip
We have a liberal guarantee. Sign up for green chip and try it for a few days. If you do not the think it is worth the money, just tell us you want to cancel and your entire $12.25 will be cheerfully refunded.
I suspect if I took up your offer every time I had the urge to take a peek at Green Chip again, I'd be about as welcome as a back-counter at a one-table casino. :-)
The Green Chip guarantee is a wonderful thing, but it requires a credit card payment, some effort from the site administrators, and a little time to set up. Of course, one then has full access to all Green Chip has to offer.
The free preview feature (as implemented on advantageplayer.com) gives an instant snapshot of what's going on in a forum at any given monent, and can be used at any time, over and over, for free without human intervention. However, only the message headers are shown. As John May said, conversations tend to fly by pretty quickly on BJ21, perhaps a preview of the archives would suit this site better.
I don't see the guarantee as a substitute for the preview feature, or vice versa. Of course, this is your site and I am but one contributor. I hope you consider my suggestion.
Thanks for listening. (Replies from JM and SW - cool.)