Backed Off
What are the definitions of "backed off"? Do they shuffle up on you? Ask you to leave? etc...
From the BJ Glossary:
(link: )
"Back-off". This occurs when casino personnel, usually a manager or a pit boss asks a blackjack player to no longer play the game of blackjack in that casino. It can also refer to less harsh anti counter measures, such as restricting a player to flat betting or a very small bet spread, such as a 1-2 spread.
Also, the other question asked is "does it help to wear glasses and a hat"?
It probably wouldn't hurt, although some PC's are pretty sharp, so be careful. You can buy some very good books about blackjack and methods of cover from the bj21 catalog page (Stanford Wong's "Professional Blackjack" is an excellent resource, along with Don Schlesinger's "Blackjack Attack". Also, two of our Green Chipper members have their own books for sale, as well - "You've Got Heat", by Barfarkel, and "200 Proof Blackjack", by Bootlegger).
Here is a link to the catalog page: