I haven't been on the boards for awhile and I have lost my favorites. Can anyone give me a link or address to the site that Parker started?
I haven't been on the boards for awhile and I have lost my favorites. Can anyone give me a link or address to the site that Parker started?
He's the commo czar at advantageplayerdotcom. One comment construed as being other than for the commercial advantage of his employer and your post goes into the rubbish heap. Then you get a tart email putting you into your "place".
I think he was a Hall Monitor in elementary school and keeps trying to recapture the thrill of power he felt there.
Geez Igor, I thought I was the only one who thought that he was the SS
guy protecting donny. He didn't even like a direct quote from a first edition "Beat the Dealer."
As far as I am concerned, Parker has been very cordial, knowlegable, and more than willing to help anyone who posed a question about the game.
The fact that he now is affiliated with a different website doesn't change anything about him.
Parker is okay in my book, and I encourage him to post here on bj21 more often. He is the same to bj21 these days as Al Rogers is to the other site (and they don't have anything bad to say about Al on the other site).
Just my thoughts, but I think you are picking nits a little more than you should be.
Parker is one of the good guys, IMO.
Drumz1, it's good to know that AdvantagePlayer.com works well for you. Unfortunately, I got bad experience with it.
I have given up on AdvantagePlayer.com because moderators had held up indefinitely all (but 1) of my posts. Before I quit, I posted a "Ditto" under Parker's message. Surprise! A moderator okayed my brown-nosing post without holding it up indefinitely. I bullsh*t you not...look below:
Parker....Your site but.... (views: 319) chgobjpro -- Friday, 31 December 2004, at 3:22 p.m.
Good point (views: 238) Parker -- Friday, 31 December 2004, at 4:11 p.m.
Ditto (nt) *NM* (views: 31) Samoht -- Monday, 3 January 2005, at 8:33 a.m
Why should I waste my time with AdvantagePlayer.com when I can post my messages on bj21.com's board without any hold-ups...without brown-nosing moderators?
My experience was the same. As a result, I simply chose to not go back again, and I won't. What really is irksome about it is that they won't even admit to doing what they did. :)
I still have the email.
There is a rumor that you mistate facts.
OK-I'll accept that there are two people in the world who hate RGE with an irrational passion and use exactly the same "hall monitor" phrase to describe Parker. I'll also accept that when Radar O'reilly got caught with his pants down hyping Cellini's book under multiple aliases here, that was just a one-off incident never to be repeated, and people at blackjackforumonline would never do anything like that again.
Go to the Fight Club and address him direct.
I'd rather not. I believe in free speech, especially my own. And, while RGE does go overboard on suppressing criticism, it is Saudi Arabia to blackjackforumonline's B'aathist Iraq. Post anything about the fact that Arnold Synder worked for the post office for twenty-three years and did work for the casinos on the side and see how long it lasts.
"I'll also accept that when Radar O'Reilly got caught with his pants down hyping Cellini's book under multiple aliases here, ..."
You might want to look again inside those pants! :-)
Hope the wedding was nice...congrats.
Forget the crap recently posted and deleted elsewhere. Your viewpoints are always welcome here.
This thread has got really disgusting:)
Thanks for the info, rather embarassed I didn't work that out sooner.
"Hope the wedding was nice...congrats."
Thank you very much. It was quite spectacular.
"Forget the crap recently posted and deleted elsewhere."
Those guys and their ideas are very easy to forget! :-)
"Your viewpoints are always welcome here."
Thanks. I know you don't speak for everyone, because the petty jealousies and the malcontents will be forever present. Their remarks are commentaries on them, not me. Nonetheless, I appreciate the kind words.
The Little Green Man is incorrect in stating that I posted about Cellini's book under "multiple aliases." I posted one review about Cellini's book, containing my own views of the book, which I liked because I learned things from it, under the handle Radar O'Reilly. I posted one other post about a different subject (a particular event at a casino) under another handle, because I didn't want the Radar handle identified with play at that casino at that time. I used Arnold's password to access the board to post both because I didn't have a password of my own and it just seemed convenient at the time. Stanford didn't know me at the time. He made clear his policy that everyone must use his own password, and that was that.
None of your posts, not even the Doug Grant-informed slanders or the one in which you call an rge regular a cu*t, have been busted from Blackjack Forum Online. One of your posts was removed because you used Don Schlesinger's name and a body part in the handle, which was disgusting. The content of your post was reposted with a different handle.
Any more valuable advantage play discoveries from the Hindustan Times, John?
I don't "hate RGE with an irrational passion". I just don't like being censored.
There was nothing I posted that was other than pertinent and important. That we have political rights that are trampled when bankrolls are ripped off is undeniable. That is, unless Parker wants to deny the readership a glimpse of the observation?! Where the hell does he get off telling me or any one that there shall be no comment that mentions politics? Plato said that those who held themselves above politics are doomed to be ruled by their inferiors. You cannot ignore this stuff. It won�t go away because you refuse to acknowledge it.
He won't tolerate my political comment? I won't tolerate his parochialism. And he his doing no one a service, not himself, not his employer, not the readers, no one, by expunging valid commentary. What he did was a display of wrong-headed, harmful, bad judgment, period. Then he's rude and flip about it too?
There's no doubt that the "hall monitor" comment is appropriate. His smugness warrants it. I hadn't realized that it was possible to smirk by email. He reveled in his pettiness. So stalker used the same phrase? Well, just maybe the attitude deserves the comment. There are at least two people who think so.
I wasn't aware of the "disagreement" with you and RGE. But let hazard a guess... You must be a Republican! These guys are ALWAYS the first to holler FOUL. How do I know? Only conservatives do this. Am I wrong? 50/50 chance here. :)
Our important enemies are internal. There is precedent for this. A half century ago, our liberty, our political dignity, were targeted by Republicans. Our most noble traditions were in the crosshairs, and they had everyone so scared, there seemed to be no groundswell of opposition to stop them (and this included Ike).
They're at it again.
Liked Joe McCarthy? You'll love Jim Sensenbrenner, another Wisconsonian. Except he's arrow straight, it seems. No alcholic/morphine addict achilles heel to him. He thinks big and, as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, he may just get his way. And what would that way be? You know someone with pot for sale? You'll have twenty-hours to inform on them or you'll face two years mandatory federal prison time. But there's much, much more.
Here's one commentor's opinion:
If you glory in Reviving the Fugitive Slave Act, Forcing People to Inform on Their Own Children or Go To Jail, Suppress Marriage, Create National Identity Papers as Part of a March Toward a National police State, Inflicting Double Jeopardy, and Imposing Prison Sentences That Joe Stalin Didn't, Congressman Sensenbrenner is your man.
[ http://www.libertyforall.net/2005/june14/Sensenbrenner.html ]
Just search engine his name or look up his bill, H.R. 1528.
And these are the sorts of people who call themselves conservatives, the one's whose praises are sung by radioman Rush Limbaugh.
Can the dead become physically ill? I wonder how Barry Goldwater is feeling right about now.
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