One BS, H17 vs. S17, DAS &no DAS
Jack - You may want to fine tune your S17 vs. H17 BS if you are going to shift back & forth. I never play the shoe. I play 2-deck @ low minimum tables & therefore 99% of my play is H17 & therefore I don't bother with a separate strategy for each. I do adjust my splitting re: DAS vs. no DAS. It seems I play about 50% each, but these are simple adjustments for me. 4,4 vs. 5&6, 6,6 vs. 2, 2,2 vs. 2&3 & 3,3 vs. 2&3. These changes do fall into the 'learn one way' category, but as you have perceived, they are so easy to learn I incorporate them into my game with ease. I do believe in the KISS approach & only go to extra effort & complexity on those things with the highest expected value. For example, I use KO & the authors readily admit that most of the power is in the betting efficiency & not the playing efficiency, so I usually employ the top 16 playing indices & don't worry about memorizing 100+ playing strategy indices. I don't recommend this approach if you play 1-deck, but it certainly applies if you play 6-deck. Heck, if you really want to relax memorize one BS, your bet ramping numbers & only 2 variations from BS(taking insur. & when to stay on 16 vs. ten). Goods cards to you. KO EWE