How many other players its best to sit together with?
If there are many players, betting based on count becomes a bit dodgy. Say the count is +4 and you make your big bet, then the dealer starts spitting out all the 10's to other players and by the time he starts getting some himself, the count can well be negative! Which screws up my bet completely.
On the other hand, its much easier to wong with many players and they provide nice cover-up. Last week I went to casino and was playing next to these three completely drunk fellows who did a fantastic job at attracting all the attention - they'd place bets then completely forget about them and the annoyed dealer would remind them to play their hand, then they'd knock over the chips all over the place, sing aloud, spill beer, etc... In the meanwhile I was doing 1-30 betting spreads while the pit dudes were too busy trying to calm those 3 down. Walked away with a cool $1200 profit. When you play alone all the eyes are on you.
So, whats people's opinions on optimum ploppy-count at the table?