Best & Worst
Playing in the wee hours at the Horsehoe, ended up at a table with three other players. One was just learning the game, but he had a friend who seemed to understand basic strategy coaching him. Two others were playing 2 spots each, and myself at 3rd base.
Over a 2-1/2 to 3 hour session we could do no wrong. All of us at the table were raking in chips like it was our destiny. The table got boisterous, but never loud & obnoxious like some tables can get. I was new at counting cards at this time, so I can't say for sure if the two guys playing double spots were counting or not. I had plenty to do just to focus on my own hand and count.
Change the cards, change the dealer, nothing stopped our run. Finally somewhere around 4 AM, one of the guys decides to cash it in. After that, we all left a few minutes later. You could almost feel the magic around the table disappear like a balloon that had been popped. I forget now how much I won at that session (it must have been $300-400 betting 1-4 red), but the experience still gives me a thrill when I think about it.
Thanks for a chance to go over it in my mind again less than a week before my next Vegas trip.
A three day trip where it seemed all I pulled were stiffs, and my 20's all lost or pushed. Went down $1000 playing red, and got reduced to plunking flat-bet nickel chips and playing basic strategy near the end of the trip. But, it's nice to know from other posters that it wasn't just me. ;-)