What is Luck?
Webster's defines Luck as:
1 a : a force that brings good fortune or adversity b : the events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual
2 : favoring chance; a
Do card Counters need luck?
Before reading further, answer the question. Do card counters NEED luck?
I say yes.
I think counters get a kick out of watching people play Roulette. Meaning, it is sometimes funny to hear people's theories and strategies when playing Roulette. I am strictly talking about the superstitions that one can witness in the "play" of the Roulette gambler.
Of coarse, REAL BJ players do not lend credence to this type of behavior. It is ludicrous, absurd!!
Because: BJ has a memory, Roulette does not. This, of coarse, is why counting works (non-CSM naturally). One is able to use the memory of the discarded cards to ones advantage through specified variation of wager!
But then comes the Long Run.
Statistically speaking, the counter should win in the Long Run. But is this correct? Statistically, yes it is. But the Long Run does not remember your previous sessions, meaning, there is no guarantee on a Long Run overall win. Long Run can not offer a guarantee because of Deviation.
And it is this bastard Deviation that only luck can defeat. My definition of luck:
Staying on the right side of Deviation.
So it is possible then that there is such a thing as a Lucky Card Counter and an Unlucky Card Counter; the only thing separating the two is which side of Deviation they are on. And since no one lives forever, one could play their whole lives on the wrong side of deviation.
So is there really a difference between Roulette players and counters? Other than the stats of Risk of Ruin, is there really a fundamental, moral, theological, difference of whether one believes in the memory of a wheel or the memory of Long Run?
So both players need luck or? Please don't answer that the BJ player needs "less" luck. A post describing how one can measure Luck (morally) may seem more stupid then this post ; )
Someone is filling the voids at both ends of the counters Deviation spectrum. And because no one can play forever, Luck is the only thing separating the two ends.